Results Coaching

Turn Your Breakdowns Into Breakthroughs

Life & Business Coaching For Men

Where do you want a breakthrough in performance and results?

In your personal life, what isn't working quite the way you want?

In your professional life, what isn't working quite the way you want?

Briefly, why do you think that is?

Often, when something isn't working for us, a good place to look is where we are being inauthentic.

What is something you've been telling yourself that probably isn't working for you?

Ok, true or not, let's call that a story.

What is believing that story costing you, either personally, professionally, or both?

In a single sentence, see if you can summarize the problem.

If you're not quite sure, take a shot at filling in the blanks.

Now here's The Challenge:

Even if you have no idea how to make it happen, are you willing to promise yourself that somehow, sooner or later, you will solve the problem?

Give yourself a deadline. By what date will you have the problem solved?

Got it. So what might a breakthrough actually look like to you in this area?
What would be an ultimate result, or something specific you could measure?

Great! So in the next 3 days, what could be some evidence you are at least moving in that direction?

Ok. Then in the next 24 hours, what is one thing you will do to start?

Is that a promise to yourself?

Great. That is being responsible. If you like, for the next 3 days I can help you hold yourself accountable. No charge.

How would you prefer?

Excellent. Enter your contact info and let's see how you do.

Nothing Works Without Integrity


If something isn't working for you, a good place to look is where integrity is compromised. Where integrity is compromised, agreements fail, relationships crumble, systems falter, chaos prevails. Lacking integrity, you dishonour yourself and depreciate the value of your word.

Dishonesty sets off a chain reaction of consequences that invariably leads to suffering. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and within relationships. Failing to honour your word undermines your power, credibility, and effectiveness. Neglecting your commitments gradually erodes your health, wealth and happiness. You already know this to be true.

You also know that being true, particularly to yourself, works. Being true to yourself means living in alignment with your core values, beliefs, and authentic desires. It involves embracing and expressing your true identity, rather than conforming to societal expectations or trying to be someone you are not.

When you are true to yourself, you honour your own needs, aspirations, and values, leading to a sense of fulfillment and genuine self-expression. Often that requires taking risks, dealing with uncertainty, and breaking through your own mental resistance. It means taking effective action despite your fantasies, fears and doubts.

3 Guidelines For Personal & Professional Integrity

  • Do what you say.

  • Be in communication when you can't do what you say.

  • Hold an empowering context.

How We Get Breakthrough Results

I define success as the attainment of purpose without compromising core values. So we start with a conversation about your success.

To begin, I want to know:

  • What exactly are you looking to accomplish?

  • Why is that important to you?

  • What is standing in your way?

Mike Highstead, Founder

The only caveat is that after our first call together, you might not want a second. Why? Because on the call I am going to show you where you have been believing your own bullshit.

It is where you are not being authentic you will find things are not working the way you really want. So that is where we start. That is where you can have a breakthrough and quickly see improvement.

To Ensure That You Succeed, There Are 3 Things To Consider...

3 simple elements that together play a vital role in the success of individuals and organizations.

State. Story. Strategy.

A clear understanding of the current state, a compelling story, and a well-developed strategy are key factors that predicate superior performance and results. You can click on any of the links above to find out more.


"Choose the red pill and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

What you choose for your future is more important than whatever you believe about all your past experiences and your present capabilities.

Mike Highstead

Got A Life or Business Problem?

Call or shoot me a text to see how I can help you solve it.

(772) 222-6776

© 2023 Michael Highstead